1st June - All aboard

 I'll give a detailed overview of life on board but for now a wrap up of Vienna. 

We decided to spend all our money and took the tram to Belvedere Castle and wandered the grounds. Looking to buy tickets, we found they were fully booked for the next two hours so after taking photos of a pretty snail and watching a red squirrel scamper about we got back on the yellow route of the hop on hop off so we could go to Schonnbrun Castle. I ducked inside the foyer to buy tickets but found 1027 people there, and due to my dislike of people generally, especially lots of them in confined spaces, we headed back out again to get a ride on this little train thing. This cost 31 Euro and was pretty good at showing the scope of the grounds. 

Who me?

 This is someone trying to sell opera tickets

Having decided we hadn't spent nearly enough money in Vienna, we booked a horse and carriage tour - 60 Euro - around the old city.  I loved every moment, and even enjoyed the celebrity feeling of people taking photos of us. 

We saw the stables for the Lippanzer horses. 

The tour took us almost to some angry protestors, because of whom we couldn't get the tram back and had to take an Uber. The Uber driver was also annoyed as many of the roads were closed. 

In the evening,  Selah and I went to see a Mozart concert which was completely magical and wonderful and 75 Euro each.  It was so much fun, far better than I had expected. 
We fell in bed completely exhausted and went to sleep to the feeling of the MS Fedelio heading out into the Danube and on to Bratislava!

Happened across a parade, quite by accident. 


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