Budapest - 2 days. 3rd June

 On Monday, we set off for another scavenger hunt. We were told we could get a lift on the free tour bus so we hopped aboard and it drove and drove finally stopping after about 30 minutes. We clambered out and I found an English speaking tour guide who said it was just a brief stop before they would continue the Spanish tour until 12 pm. We opted to start our walk there and it turned out to be just 12 minutes from the shoe memorial. 

Despite reading all about it, this was still incredibly moving and brought me to tears. The shoes here have been decorated with yellow ribbons, in support of the plea: Let the hostages come home. 


We headed off to the first stop, an interactive fountain in a square and right next to it was a statue that we read all about. Here are some details.

Turns out that the Hungarian Government, in an effort to distance themselves with Nazi Germany, had erected this in the dead of night. The Jewish community were understandably upset. I mentioned to Bruce that their form of protest is probably more effective than the "Spray paint and tear down statues" method that has been employed so often. 

We continued on the tour of the old city, stopping at 11.30 when it was taking us over the bridge from Pest to Buda. We had lunch. 

After lunch we continued the tour which meant climbing up many many steps to the top of the mountain to a castle, climbing down again, finding a few other places and then back to the next mountain top. Aargh. There was no way of going between the two, but my legs were aching after this. 

I thought this looked like a narnia lamp. 

Walked another 38 minutes from the end of the scavenger hunt, back to the boat. Ate far too much food. Fell asleep. 



  1. Yeah I am now up to date. No photos came for June 4

  2. Had another look, at home this time and got the photos 😍


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