Mohacs for a day. 5th June

It's not a large place, and it's not touristy. There's a museum and some sculptures, but inexpensive apartment blocks line the shore, a far cry from yesterday with the whale and Parliament. 
The three of us walked a bit, bought some playing cards, some shorts for me and a skirt for Selah - 2 Euros each, took some photos and went back for lunch. 
I found a place online that rents bikes so after lunch Bruce and I found the place and headed of for a couple of hours biking. 
We find the Euro velo, so biked along this trail for a few kilometers. It was formed on the stop bank of the Danube and is just wide enough for vehicles. 
One car passed us delivering a new tire to a hay baler. There's fresh cut hay everywhere, and we passed fields of ripening oats swaying in the sun. 
Mohacs is made for biking with bike lanes everywhere, and one way streets clearly marked that bikes are allowed in both directions. 
The bike hire cost ten euros for us both, and it was a great way to see the town. 


  1. At least you can say you biked in Europe 🙂


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